This widget validates file names and sizes on the client side instead of server side. The file does not need to be uploaded to server to validate its properties. Since the file is streamed to server, you may need to work out how you handle the code on the server side. I have provided a simple php code at the end of this article for anyone to start with.
Anyway in order to make this widget to work, you may need the following three extensions.
1. MultipleFileField
The default file field from ExtJs only allows you to upload single file at a time. To enable uploading multiple file, you need to tweak the DOM settings.
Multiple file field (inspired from here)
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.MultipleFileField', { extend: 'Ext.form.field.File', alias:['widget.multifilefield', 'widget.multiplefilefield', 'widget.multifile'], /** * Override to add a "multiple" attribute. */ onRender: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.fileInputEl.set({ multiple: 'multiple' }); } });
2. FileDrop
The FileDrop plugin allows user to drop their files via their desktop. FileDrop plugin is created by Mitchell Simoens and you can download it from here.
Please note: you may need to change the class name from "Ext.plugin.extjs.FileDrop" to "Ext.ux.form.FileDrop"
3. IFrame
The purpose of using IFrame widget is to show the file without downloading it. Those files might be *.html, *.txt, *.xml or *.pdf. Some users may just want to view it instead of downloading it.
You can download the widget from here and change the class name to 'Ext.ux.IFrame'
File upload grid panel
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.FileUploadPanel', { extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel', alias: ['widget.filepanel','fileuploadpanel'], requires:[ 'Ext.ux.form.field.MultipleFileField', 'Ext.ux.form.FileDrop', 'Ext.ux.IFrame' ], layout:'card', autoLoadStore: true, maxFileSize:10485760, // 10Mb listUrl: '/file/getFileList', // your MVC path to get file list listParams:{}, uploadUrl: '/file/upload', // your MVC path upload files uploadParams:{}, downloadUrl: '/file/download', // your MVC path to download the file downloadParams:{}, deleteUrl: '/file/delete', // your MVC path to delete the file deleteParams:{}, /** * initialising the components */ initComponent: function(){ var me = this; // Create the datastore if available if(!Ext.isDefined({ = Ext.create('', { autoLoad:me.autoLoadStore, fields:[ 'name', 'size', 'type', {name:'lastModifiedDate', type:'date', dateFormat:'Y-m-d H:i:s'}, 'iconCls', {name:'new_window', type:'bool'} ], proxy:{ type:'ajax', url:me.listUrl, extraParams: me.listParams || undefined, reader:{ type:'json', root:'data' }, listeners:{exception:Ext.onException } } }); }; // the temporary store to handle file uploading me.progressStore = Ext.create('', { fields:[ 'name', 'size', 'type', {name:'lastModifiedDate', type:'date', dateFormat:'Y-m-d H:i:s'}, {name: 'progress', type:'int'} ], }); // create a tool bar if(me.bbar !== false){ me.bbar = [{ xtype:'tbtext', text:'Drap and drop your files to the grid' },'->',{ xtype:'multifile', buttonOnly:true, allowBlank:true, submitValue:false, buttonConfig:{ text:'Add attachments', iconCls:'icon-add' }, listeners:{ render:function(){ var el = this.getEl(), field = this; el.dom.onchange = function(e){ me.checkFileUpload(; }; } } }]; }; // default config var config = { defaults:{ xtype:'grid', enableColumnHide:false, enableColumnMove:false, plugins:[{ ptype: 'filedrop', readType:'DataURL' }] }, tools: [{ type: 'refresh', handler: function(){; } }], items:[{, columns:[{ header:'Files', flex:1, dataIndex:'name', renderer:function(value, metaData, record){ var exportMode=false; if(Ext.isDefined(metaData) && Ext.isDefined(metaData.exportMode)){ exportMode=metaData.exportMode }; if(exportMode){ return value; }else{ var lastModifiedDate = record.get('lastModifiedDate'); var date =, "d/m/Y g:i a"); return ''+ ''+value+''+ 'Size: '+record.get('size')+', Last Modified: '+ date +''; }; } },{ xtype: 'actioncolumn', cls: 'x-icon-column-header x-action-disk-column-header', // define your css icon here width: 24, icon: '/public/images/ext/silk/arrow_down.png', // change your icon path here iconCls: 'x-hidden', tooltip: 'Download selected file', menuDisabled: true, sortable: false, handler: function(gridView, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record) {; var params = Ext.applyIf({fileName:record.get('name')},me.downloadParams), queryStr = Ext.Object.toQueryString(params), url = me.downloadUrl + '/?' + queryStr; if(record.get('new_window') === true){ me.showDownloadWindow(url,record); }else{ window.location=url; }; } },{ xtype: 'actioncolumn', cls: 'x-icon-column-header x-action-delete-column-header', // define your css icon here width: 24, icon: '/public/images/ext/silk/delete.png', iconCls: 'x-hidden', tooltip: 'Delete selected file', menuDisabled: true, sortable: false, handler: function(gridView, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record) {; var params = Ext.applyIf({fileName:record.get('name')},me.deleteParams); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: me.deleteUrl, params: params, success: function(response){; } }); } }], listeners:{ itemmouseenter: function(view, list, node, rowIndex, e){ var icons ='.x-action-col-icon', node); Ext.each(icons, function(icon){ Ext.get(icon).removeCls('x-hidden'); }); }, itemmouseleave: function(view, list, node, rowIndex, e){ var icons ='.x-action-col-icon', node); Ext.each(icons, function(icon){ Ext.get(icon).addCls('x-hidden'); }); }, loadstart : function(cmp, e, file) { me.checkFileUpload([file]); } } },{ store: me.progressStore, viewConfig:{ markDirty:false }, columns:[{ header:'Files', dataIndex:'name', flex:1 },{ header:'Progress', dataIndex:'progress', align:'center', width:90, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { var color = (value < 100) ? 'red' : 'green'; return Ext.String.format('{1}%', color, value); } }], listeners:{ loadstart : function(cmp, e, file) { me.checkFileUpload([file]); } } }] }; // appy to this config Ext.applyIf(me, config); // apply to the initialConfig Ext.applyIf(me.initialConfig, config); // call the arguments me.callParent(arguments); // init the settings me.on('render',me.onPanelRender,me); // assign title prefix me.titlePrefix = me.title || 'Attachments'; }, // init store events when render onPanelRender:function(){ var me = this; if({ // create grid value to the store for future use = me.items[0]; // change title when load'load',function(){ var count =; if(count > 0){ me.setTitle(me.titlePrefix + ' (' + count + ')'); }else{ me.setTitle(me.titlePrefix); }; }); }; if(me.progressStore){ // if new file is uploading, then show progress panel me.progressStore.on('add',function(){ me.getLayout().setActiveItem(1); }); me.progressStore.on('remove',function(){ var count = me.progressStore.count(); if(count == 0){ me.getLayout().setActiveItem(0); }; }); }; }, // when user uses filefield checkFileUpload:function(files){ var me = this, invalidList = []; Ext.each(files, function(file){ if(file.size > me.maxFileSize){ invalidList.push(file); }; }); if(invalidList.length > 0){ var msg = '
- ';
Ext.each(invalidList, function(file){
msg += '
- ' + + ' '; }); msg += '
- ';
Ext.each(invalidList, function(file){
msg += '
- ' + + ' '; }); msg += '
- ';
Ext.each(invalidList, function(file){
msg += '
- ' + + ' '; }); msg += '
Server Side (PHP Code)
private function upload($dstPath){ $fileName = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']; $fileSize = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']; $fileType = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']; // open input stream $input = fopen('php://input', 'r'); // open output stream $output = fopen($dstPath . $fileName, 'a'); // start to write data while ($data = fread($input, 1024)){ fwrite($output,$data); } // close input stream fclose($input); // close output stream fclose($output); $result= array( 'success' => true, 'data' => array('src'=>$dstPath . $fileName, 'file'=>$fileName, 'size'=>$fileSize, 'type'=>$fileType), 'total' => '1', 'message' => 'File uploaded successfully' ); return $result; } private function delete($filePath){ $result = true; if(file_exists($filePath)){ $result = unlink($filePath); } $result= array( 'success'=> $result, 'message'=> 'Success', 'file'=>$filePath ); return $result; }
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