A while ago, I tried to create a reusable file upload management panel for the internal intranet system. So I ended up making an extension from a grid panel with DnD and multiple files upload field. This solution allows user to select multiple files to upload as long as the browser supports HTML5. It also indicates the upload progress on each file.
This widget validates file names and sizes on the client side instead of server side. The file does not need to be uploaded to server to validate its properties. Since the file is streamed to server, you may need to work out how you handle the code on the server side. I have provided a simple php code at the end of this article for anyone to start with.
Anyway in order to make this widget to work, you may need the following three extensions.
This widget validates file names and sizes on the client side instead of server side. The file does not need to be uploaded to server to validate its properties. Since the file is streamed to server, you may need to work out how you handle the code on the server side. I have provided a simple php code at the end of this article for anyone to start with.
Anyway in order to make this widget to work, you may need the following three extensions.